If You Want Real Progress, You Can’t Believe the Lies You Tell Yourself Anymore

That feeling of confronting the unknown? That’s scarier than a devil you know.

Anu Kumar
4 min readNov 27, 2022
Photo by Bach Nguyen on Unsplash

What if your entire life was built on a lie?

All of it. And I don’t just mean that story about your estranged Aunt Sally. Your birth, your name, and your role in their chess game.

It could be more likely than you think, and Kalki from “Blue-Skinned Gods” shows us how.

Kalki has blue skin.

His father knew that Kalki was a god.

When Kalki was born, a cobra snuck into his crib and bit him. Rushing at his cries, his parents could only stare in disbelief. Not because their baby boy died from a cobra bite, but because his skin turned blue.

Kalki’s heard the story many times. He’s the last incarnation of the blue-skinned Hindu deity Vishnu, prophesized to lead the world from darkness into light. Once his parents realized this, they gave up their old life to help Kalki become a fully realized god in his father’s ashram in Tamil Nadu, India. He gives hope to the people who visit it, ranging from local followers to foreign visitors.



Anu Kumar

I write about books, culture, behaviors, and practical self improvement. Words + Fiction @ par-desi.com.